Saturday, January 21, 2012


Several years ago I was introduced to the art of making journals by a good friend, Professor Jo VanArkel. It was an experience that affected me both personally and artistically. Until then, I had't realized how someone could actually develop a passion for creativity. I hadn't realized, it was possible to begin making a journal early in the evening, and the time pass quickly far into the early morning hours before deciding to take a break.  I hadn't realized, I would receive such a sense of accomplishment from making something that someone else might cherish and fill the pages inside with their own life and creativity. It does seem odd in this day of Smart Phones and Ipads, that I would love such a simple leather object, in which each page would need to be hand sewn and bound....or then again is it? Thank you Jo, for such a gift.


  1. Very cool that you love to create handmade journals that people will get such joy from!

  2. I love your journals!! They are so creative. I still have a couple that you made for me. :)

  3. what a beautiful picture!!! I share your passion for journals :)

  4. Thanks Kristina And Lindsay(: Lindsay, I hope you have filled your journals with all sorts of good stuff(: Kelly, yay! We may just have to chat about JOURNAL someday(:

  5. Your journals are beautiful! I've just started into bookbinding and it's so fun. Are you on Pinterest? ( I have tagged many, many great sites for bookmaking and bookbinding. Let me know if you want an invitation to the site.

  6. Thanks Nancy..Bookbinding is fun...and Pinerest sounds so great..if ever get a chance to figure it out(:
